We Conquer Complexity

Our clients are seeking highly trained and agnostic consultative services, in the business disciplines of Technology & Digital, Sales, and Strategy. We conquer complexity, drive material change, and spark positive and long-term impact.


MCG- An outcome-focused consultancy

Offering a  “concierge-level” of service to key business and technology leaders. We provide consulting and confidence that support the success and mitigate risk of a company or institution.

Our Capabilities

Technology & Digital

Technology is embedded in products and services and is essential for core business functions, attracting and retaining customer loyalty and competitive differentiation.

 How are you ensuring value with your technology function – now and in the future?


Customers are rapidly shifting how they learn  and buy products and offerings.

Is your sales team is ready for the change? 


Product and service innovation are essential, but business model innovation can deliver more lasting competitive advantage, particularly in disruptive times.

Is your organization’s business model continually resilient? 


Helping leaders:

  • Enable businesses through practical investments in technology
  • Create the business and financial case for innovation and articulate that into core business needs
  • Scale ideas, disrupt cautious momentum with incremental improvement

Our Values


Yogi Berra said, “If you don’t know where you are going, you are likely to end someplace else.”  A simple and provoking thought with broad implications. Clients don’t seek outside consultation when things are going well; they come to us when things are challenging  and the plan on where to go and how to get there is difficult to see. 

Our values are: focus on value, leverage the strengths of our clients, think and work holistically, progress iteratively – driving outcomes, collaborate and promote visibility, keep it simple and practical. 

MCG Experience

Years IT Operations Management

Years Sales, Strategy, and Business Development



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